Link to Google Sheet:

The project number will be increased by increments of 10 for each new order; 2000, 2010, 2020...etc

If no project name is indicated on quote or given in the details, the project naming convention is "Project Number" "Customer Name" - "CPU (if applicable)" "City, State"

For example, project number 12340 is for customer ABC Pipeline, Co. delivering mats to Hattiesburg, MS. The name of the project should be "12340 ABC Pipeline Co - Hattiesburg, MS"

New South project numbers should be be the same as the New South agreement/job number from New South's purchase order. 

Klein's Restoration project numbers should be the same as Klein's agreement number. In most cases, the project can be created in M3 before the agreement is created in M3, but Klein's agreement will need to be created first in order to obtain the agreement number.